Calculated Segments Plugin (ExtendedSegmentsBundle)
Easily Calculate Segment Size & Control Update Frequency
The Calculated Segments Plugin (ExtendedSegmentsBundle) enhances Mautic by allowing you to preview your segment size before saving changes and waiting for cron jobs to process them. Additionally, this plugin introduces a new “Frequency” field to segments, allowing you to control how often each segment is updated.
Supported Versions
This plugin is supported for AMS 4.2.x and up.
Features & Benefits
✔ Preview segment size before running cron jobs – Save time and optimize segmentation before committing changes.
✔ New “Frequency” field – Customize how often each segment is updated.
✔ Efficient processing – Updates segments dynamically using the script.
Installation Instructions
php bin/console cache:clear
Alternatively, you can manually delete the var/cache folder inside your Mautic directory.
Install the Plugin
Log in to your Mautic instance.
Navigate to Settings → Plugins.
Click Install/Upgrade Plugins to detect and activate the new plugin.
This plugin depends on the script, which ensures that segment updates are executed based on the frequency you define. To activate this functionality, you need to add a cron job to run the script every minute:
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